Lesson Five Quiz:

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5. IRAs may be reduced by:

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6. Estate tax deductions for charitable remainder trusts depend on:

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7. If you name a charity as contingent beneficiary of an IRA:

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8. Leaving U.S. savings bonds to a charitable remainder trust:

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9. The following assets can be left to a charity without changing a will:

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Thank you for completing the five estate planning lessons. We hope the ideas presented will be helpful to you and your family. If you have decided to make a gift through your estate plan, perhaps as a result of the information provided in the lessons, we encourage you to call our office or drop us a note and share the good news. You will brighten everyone’s day! And if we can answer any questions about planned gifts and bequests for our future, please call our office. Remember that we can provide you with personalized illustrations of the tax and financial benefits of any contribution plan.